International Conference on Information Technology, Communication Ecosystem and Management

December 20-22, 2024, Bangkok, Thailand

Call for Papers

We solicit original research and technical papers not published elsewhere. Papers may be theoretically, practically and applied oriented on the following conference tracks, but are not limited to:

Computer Network Track

Track 1: Multimedia Communication in 6G
Track 26G Research Challenges
Track 35G to 6G

Track 4Quantum Computing in 6G

Safety Track

Track 5Quantum Computing and Cryptography
Track 6Authentication and Access Control Technologies
Track 7Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Data Protection

Track 8Federated Learning and Distributed Security

Data Management Track

Track   9Big Data Analysis
Track 10Intelligent Transportation and Fog/Edge Computing
Track 11Federated Learning and Cloud Computing

Track 12Distributed Machine Learning

Wireless Communication Track

Track 13New standards for wireless communications
Track 14IoT and Cloud Computing
Track 15Blockchain and MIoT
Track 16Advancing IoT, Industrial IoT and IoT
Track 17VANET and ITC